Saturday, July 20, 2024

Portraits of Clongowes Lunch

Everyone one has a story. Everyone doesn’t always want to share it however, for one reason or another. Every Clongownian, for the most part, is still policed by that humility inducted as part boarding school life. That somehow knowing your place. Regardless of who you are, what you are or how you, in the real world. Or where you sit on LinkedIn. Portraits of Clongowes is about that daily life in CWC and the memories and reflections many chosen to share about life ever since. In its perfections and imperfections. After all, the place was not for everyone. 

 Thus, the e podcast is a blend of stories, some, nostalgia and a general look back over various decades. A reminiscence too on how the vocation to educate by those countless selfless Jesuit teachers, who, we thought all just lived in the splendour and luxury of the Castle. Where Clongowes did what it said on the tin, take us in as boys and sending us in due course on our way as men years later. The life learning of Clongowes crafted certain ways of thought and behaviours, with a concern for others being paramount amongst them perhaps. 

The commonality of voice in all the Portraits has convinced that there is a thing we all share. So intuitive that there is no word that quiet summarises it fully to my mind. Yet a commonality that clearly manifests itself clearly across every interview in men for others The teachers and staff throughout various generations clearly generate a respect and admiration that is still voiced many decades later.

 That roll of honour is lengthy and sadly some of those voices silenced now by the passing of time; Lawton, Power, Brereton, Lawler, O’Beirne, Casey, O’Connor, Crowe or O’Dowd, Murray or Miller. Yet the voices of Brendan Cullen, Liam O’Connell, Martin Nugent, Hugon Simm and Mocky Shiel are still clear and steadfast. Their commitment to our education, with passage of time, has dwindled little become even more valued. Time has a funny way of doing that to one.
For all those who participated in the Portraits, and continue to do so, I thank and salute you very much. Not only for courage of sharing your experiences with the prying ears of your peers, but the honesty, thoughtfulness and frankness of each that has been so impressive. Be it the palpable courage of Jack Kavanagh or the whispering knowledge of horse trainer, John Oxx. It is hard to individually mention fairly all the ‘portrayers’ as everyone impressed as human beings. Even the initially reluctant such as Richard Bruton, who found the trip down memory lane somewhat energising as reminiscences came back to him as he spoke. 

The privilege of hearing these stories first hand had been a unique experience and then to share it a growing responsibility. It is a testament to the work of all those teachers over the years, initially with the Jesuits in the community and subsequently with the lay teachers, how that mutual respect is heard and still voiced to this day in all the Portraits of Clongowes. That was very evident too at the lunch hosted in The Merrion Hotel in April where Mick Medeiros OC’18 was the keynote speaker

 A very unique occasion and made possible by Peter MacCann OC’79 in The Merrion Hotel, along with the support of Willie Burns and the OC’79 year, not forgetting the particular generosity of Mick O‘Leary, also OC’79. Indeed, last series of the podcast would not have been even possible without the vision, support and energy of Dec Ryan OC’81 to whom I also owe a huge personal thanks! Not forgetting the vital sponsorship of Jigsaw - Youth Mental Health.

*Portraits of Clongowes is a Podcast series available on iTunes; Spotify; Google Podcasts and most other platforms. The podcast is produced by Peter Rice and recorded at Dublin South Podcast Studios in Dundrum.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


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On behalf of Clongowes Foundation I would like to draw your attention to a wonderful, new funding initiative for the Alberto Hurtado Bursary Programme (AHP). A programme I have seen work up close over past eighteen months through the podcast, Portraits of Clongowes


This new initiative, pioneered by the OC'85 Year, now allows for the members of a given OC Year to come together and fund a bursary student through his six years in Clongowes in a flexible, anonymous, and transparent way. The Clongowes Foundation acts as a facilitator to the Year setting up an iDonate link and applying for the tax credits.


This new style initiative allows a Year of Old Clongownians to come together to support the Alberto Hurtado Bursary Programme. Importantly it is a template that allows for:


flexibility, in that each past pupil can participate at a level and with a frequency that suits the individual.


offers anonymity,  in that the names of donors are anonymised.


transparency, in that the donating Year can see the individual donations and the running total at all times, and tax efficiency.


In that way donations are worth 30% more when an Irish taxpayer donates more than €250 in a year and assigns the tax benefit to the Foundation. We expect the average donation to be maybe reach €300 perhaps which goes a long way to kicking the project off.


Using as the platform for donations the Foundation will claim a tax refund on donations of €250 or more, per annum on behalf of the individual. This refund can reduce the amount that any Year needs to give by some 44%. This pioneering initiative of the Year of 1985 can be replicated hopefully by 1978


The cost for a Bursary student is 140k over 6 years. By contributing 20k per annum (with the addition of the tax refund) the Year group can support a student through his time at Clongowes. It’s also not imperative we find the full sum as even half a bursary is a great help to the foundation. So don’t be scared off by the imaginary numbers or sums as this a much more pragmatic approach. So much so that I feel able to part with 500€ annually to support this worthy programme offering boys an opportunity.


For more information on this initiative and support to set up please contact Joe Rooney or Antoinette Kelly 045 838215. They can also link you with members of OC85 if you’d like to hear directly from them.


To view the OC85 Bursary fundraising page please visit


The Alberto Hurtado Bursary Programme.

The Alberto Hurtado Programme (AHP) is a bursary programme that seeks to give the opportunity of the unique educational experience that a seven-day boarding school can offer to children whose financial circumstances otherwise would preclude them from attending Clongowes. For the very most part these boys have attended primary schools in areas with designated disadvantaged status (DEIS).The AHP is not a scholarship programme.


The students are not selected on the basis of their academic, sporting or musical abilities. They are chosen instead on the grounds of their general suitability, family ambition and their potential to thrive in a seven-day, boarding environment.


Here is the link         OC78 Bursary Fundraising Initiative.

Webpage is here


I have just put in a target of €20k.


We have some information on the website also OC Year Group Bursary funding webpage