Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Syntax Years 1975-76

I’m sitting in a consultation in Jurys’ Hotel Ballsbridge, its’ arranged by a Financial Adviser who specialises in representing Clients dealing with Banks. He has brought me in as the Legal Adviser, I’m grateful for any type of work. It's May 2009, Bank of Ireland is selling property as are the other banks to US Vulture funds at 10% of value, carnage on the streets as those leveraged to property as I am, are running out of road. 

Brian Lenihan TD Minister for Finance has put the brakes on family home repossessions - thank God - but there is little to be done. Our Client a middle-aged woman is in deep trouble, she owes €29M and her property portfolio is probably worth €5M on a good day. We are discussing the best options - probably Bankruptcy in the UK and quick. As the day drags on - we stop for lunch she says she is forever grateful that she sent her 2 boys to a boarding school in Kildare, at least they got a great education from the Celtic Tiger. The Accountant is from Belvo and tries to joke.....surely it wasn’t his sister school Clongowes. It was, I say nothing, other than I was there.........but deep down this is a message from above.......somehow and I just didn’t know how 3 boys would have to go to my Alma Mater.......I was praying for divine intervention or at least divine inspiration. 

The summer of 1974 whizzes by..........we were entertained no end by “Total Football” and the magical Dutch with Johan Cruyff starring........beaten by Gerd Mullers Germany in the World Cup Final in July......can’t wait to try out Cruyff’s new dribbling trick in our soccer leagues in CWC. As we arrive on the 3rd of September 1975 Rod Stewart is top of the Charts with “Sailing” - having taken over from the Bay City Rollers who held the position in July. One of the greatest songs of all time Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody is due to fill the number 1 slot for 9 weeks from November 23rd. Liverpool are due to win their 9th Division 1 title and there is some hope for Manchester United.....we had been relegated last season but come back to finish 6th in the First Division and with our loudmouth Manager Tommy Docherty at the helm, win the F A Cup.....Bliss! 

This is an important year for us.......our first major state exams.......the Inter Certificate......also for our JCT Team.......the chance to impress on the fields of Donnybrook representing the school in the Leinster Junior Cup. We win our first match against Roscrea 22-16 in Kings Hospital’s ground. Ned McQuaid, B Walker, P Mulrine and Greg all-star and the Team are welcomed home as heroes, any win in a Cup match is celebrated to the full. We lose to eventual winners Pres Bray in the quarter final - 7-5..........hindsight being a wonderful companion..........was this the signal that ‘78 would be the defining year for CWC rugby., when we would avenge this defeat and go on to bridge a 52-year gap! 

One abiding memory from the JCT match v. Pres Bray in Donnybrook, was Alan Hoban’s rugby tackle of the Pres Mascot, who dared taunt well behaved CWC supporters at half time. The tackle unleashed a crowd upset which Millwall Fans would have been proud of. Paddy Crowe SJ was not amused but we sensed that even he felt justice had been done and Alan cemented his reputation as a man not to be trifled with. 

The Monaghan - Dublin bombings of the 17th May of the previous year had severe repercussions for CWC late leave, which was the practice of allowing us to savour the delights of Dublin City until 9pm when our buses would leave from Bachelors Walk to take us home to CWC. Parents now had to sign off permission for “Late Leave” - given for JCT Cup Matches and for Internationals. My Mum was wavering - how could they be sure we would be safe, Patrick my older brother pleas with Dad “we’d be the odd ones out”, eventually won the day. Late Leave was an interesting experience - the great joy of being with friends was also coupled with the dangers of young City ruffians who were peddling O’Connell Street looking to pounce on unwary strangers opening with “give us tuppence”........once again safety in numbers was the lesson learned. 

In the days pre-McDonalds, Burger King and KFC, old style Italian chippers such as Cafollas were the taste of choice and either burger and chips or sausage and chips with extra salt and vinegar were the highlight of those late leaves. Later for SCT matches when we were in Higher Line we would be keener on a pint of Harp or Guinness and a packet of Tayto.......the hard men......would of course have insisted on Jameson chasers! 

The routine of life in Syntax was no different to Grammar. The Bell rang at 7.20am and despite Gucks in particular and other future engineers in trying to dismantle its’ shrill tones, it survived to remind us to be up for breakfast for 7.30am. Morning Study followed at 8.15am which was the last exit for chancers (myself included) to get that question or preparation for one’s most difficult class, finished. Prevarication hung heavy for all but the most studious swots - despite great study opportunities - I somehow would only complete tasks as absolutely necessary. Morning class ensues until the 11.15am break, when Dingle Moore took it on himself to dispense the morning snacks with coffee, he also had control of the supper tea/coffee snacks..........a lesson learned for a future Finance King.......control the cash at all times. Morning classes continue 11.30am to Lunch at 1pm..........the lunch stampede continuing as I understand from my 3 boys at generation likes to queue. Afternoon class starts at 2pm to 4pm and then the best part of the day............4-6pm Free Time for sport or other non-study/learning pursuits. Even the smokers loved this time - when they would gather for some legal nicotine prior to getting down first for Tea at 5pm. 

One memory from “the Big Study”...........Ireland were playing Russia in the European Qualifiers in 1976........those of us with radios and earphones smuggle them into Study and set about quietly tuning in to the game. All is going well, Ireland are suddenly 1 up, they go to 2, Don Givens scores a Hattrick and then a Fourth........I’m pretty sure I witnessed at least 5 super fans almost jumping with delight........the Study Prefect either Ned Carroll our kindly Latin Master or Mick O’Dowd.........were probably listening in as well. Another memory is a protest when a number of us wore “Dressing Gowns” to highlight how blooming freezing it was on occasion! 

While to the outside world - we lived in a privileged cocoon - perhaps we didn’t realize it then (as a parent, my 3 boys don’t have a clue - give them 40 years out and they will), we didn’t think so, and were always ready and willing to “best the system” if we could. One example.........overhead electric heaters were installed in our wreck room.......some Physics genius possibly “Sambo Shiel’s/Philip Murphy or 100% Hockey, discovered that those heaters could be used to make toast. The smell of toast is alluring and quickly we all want some of that. Even Con Clifford gets up for breakfast once toast is available. You needed to work in pairs, 1 on the lookout and the other making toast. Titch Kelly and myself are working away until Chris Murphy SJ, breaks our radar system and confiscates our contraband! Despite Titch’s pleas “can I have some more Sir”! 

Dingle, Morgan, Henno Donnelly and myself discovered that we had a love of 2 things that young gentlemen should probably avoid, poker and horses. In later life I put all my misfortune down to “slow horses and fast women!". We mis-spent many a Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, losing our pocket money to the bookies in Clane! In terms of Poker, Dingle was the maestro and no matter what hand I had, on one deal, I had a straight flush and Dingle comes in with a Royal straight flush........I recall it was the first hand dealt in that session.......he always won! A big learning........the house always wins. 

One of my abiding memories of a great time at CWC was during the Inter Cert exams. Most of Syntax left after about 10 days of exams, as I was taking a minority subject “Spanish” - I had an extra week of great weather and time to wallow in the splendour of the college. No rules - it truly was a holiday venue extraordinaire. I didn’t do much if any study and spent the endless hours, playing soccer, tennis, tip rugby, swimming and eating pretty much what I wanted as the skeleton catering staff felt sorry for us teenagers who had been left behind. 

Mocky Sheil kindly allowed me access to the Clongownian for 1975/76 and the following are excerpts that hopefully sum up what fellow 15-year olds were accomplishing in 1975: 

James (TC) Kelly was awarded first place in the senior Feis Ceoil. Drama talent was exhibited by “The Apprentices” our year end play starring Freddie, Jack Ronan and David Kelly, who according to the Clongownian “exhibited India Rubber resilience as “the New Apprentice”. Our Christmas debate theme was “That the era of Democracy is ended”....D J Hegarty led the opposition ably assisted by Ambrose. John Hickey’s Team win the Syntax Quiz and he has Con Clifford, Martin Moloney and Greg to thank for winning by a point! Rossa (our esteemed editor of this blog and organiser in Chief of our forthcoming re-union) and Rory are complimented for their Orienteering aptitude. Joe Prendiville bags the medal for Lower Line Debate. There are also plaudits for C Hickey and F McEnroy for their prowess in canoes. Peter Howick, who goes on to become one of Ireland’s finest journalists scores 1 of his many well-deserved Medals for English - he is peerless amongst us as a writer and wit! Gucks wins one of his All Irelands. 

It’s the May bank holiday and my editor Rossa wants this delivered for Tues. 7th May, so I need to sign off. Till next month - continuing the theme ‘born in 1960 and made in CWC.

If you have any stories that now need airing please contact
in the STRICTEST confidence ;)